11 ways you know you are ready to sign up for a Teacher Training

Have you ever looked around in a yoga class and thought that it seems that every other person has done a yoga teacher training? Have you wondered if you’re missing something?

In this article, I will highlight some of the most common reasons to sign up for a teacher training- and the reasons may surprise you, resonate with you, or maybe even ignite a fire within you to try something new.

I’ll ask you one question: Do you love yoga?

In a regular yoga classroom, especially after a few years of practice, you may find that you are not learning as much as you once did. The poses may still be challenging and the sequencing might be fun to follow, but you are aware that there is something more, something missing, something deeper to this practice called yoga.

You may already have started to delve deep, read articles, and ponder philosophical ideas presented in class. You may have sought out different teachers, tried different styles, but still you are left wishing to learn more.

Understandably, within the allocated class time and while addressing numerous students, a yoga teacher often has very little time to explain the mechanism of each pose, let alone delve deeper into the more esoteric teachings of yoga. Many students in a typical class just want to get a good stretch and workout, but you may find that you are at the stage where you wish to deepen your understanding and practice of yoga.  This is probably one of the most common reason why students sign up for a Yoga Teacher Training Course (YTTC). The desire to teach others is often only discovered during the training. As you discover just how wonderful and transformative yoga can be, you may naturally just want to share it!

So, what are some of the other reasons to embark on a 200hr Teacher Training Course?

1.       To deepen your personal practice.

In a YTTC, your instructors are highly skilled, experienced, and living the yogic path. These master teachers will be working closely with you, offering adjustments, and sharing their own experiences to tweak, fine tune and deepen your physical practice in a safe and nurturing environment. During the training you will be encouraged to practice daily and to develop a regular Sadhana (yoga practice) and this commitment is the gateway to achieving transformation.

2.       To learn new yoga skills

A YTTC is about so much more than just the physical practice of yoga. You will learn to understand more about the alignment of poses, anatomy, physiology, as well as yoga philosophy.  The understanding of anatomy will help you create a safe practice both for yourself and for your students. You will be amazed at the shift and ease in a well aligned and balanced practice. In a regular class, very little time is spent learning about philosophy and during your YTTC we will commit ample time to understanding the more auspicious aspects of yoga.

3.       To go beyond the physical aspect of your yoga practice.

The all-encompassing practice of yoga goes way beyond physical movement, also known as asana. You would have encountered some pranayama in a general yoga class, which will have been a taster of the more esoteric practices. Doing yoga is not just about keeping your body healthy- it’s also an internal practice, calming the mind, connecting to present moment, with awareness and understanding of the sensations in the body.  Beyond the physical body is our energetic body, another layer to explore and discover. Physically you see the yogi move, but what is happening internally is so much more profound and enriching.

4.       To explore, enrich and broaden your spirituality. 

It makes very little difference what religious or cultural background you come from. As you start to question yourself and the nature of life in general, you will begin to question the things around you. This will draw you to spending more time in contemplation which will deepen and expand your spirituality in a very unique and personal way.

5.       Are you ready to challenge yourself mentally and physically?

During your YTTC you will immerse yourself in a yogic lifestyle which isn’t for the faint hearted. These lifestyle changes will challenge your typical modern-day life as you learn to slow down, be less reactive, and adapt to the natural changes that will come your way. At first you may feel a deep-rooted resistance, but with time you will begin to experience the benefits of this new yogic way of being.

6.       Come face-to-face with your inner self. 

As you embark on the study of self you will quickly begin to understand that being truly happy is not a matter of luck or circumstance, but instead that being happy is a lifestyle choice and a decision to reawaken and discover all of who you are. To reconnect with that part of yourself that you have may have lost or neglected throughout the journey of your life. As you deepen your study of self you do not become less, but in truth you become more of who you already are.

7.       To share the joy of yoga with others. 

If yoga has already impacted your life and created change in some way or another then it may be your desire to share this knowledge with others, whether through teaching classes or sharing with those who may benefit from your yogic knowledge. Being a yoga teacher is just one of the many ways you can share the joy of yoga in a real and tangible way.

8.        Yoga heals the body and soul. 

Every yoga pose, every pranayama and every meditation technique hold within it a great healing potential. As you expand your knowledge you will be able to tap into, as well as share, this knowledge with others. It is important to understand how and when poses are beneficial and when a certain practice may be detrimental to specific conditions or individuals. This knowledge will ensure that yoga remains a healing practice.

9.       Build your self-confidence.

The better we know and understand our subject the more fluent we are in sharing that knowledge. The idea of addressing and speaking in front of a group of people or leading a yoga class may seem daunting, but learning effective and empowering techniques will have you overcome your fear and you will gain more confidence in yourself. Even if you do not intend to teach yoga, this part of our YTTC is uplifting, empowering and confidence building.

10.   A YTTC is possibly one of the greatest investments you can make in yourself.

Yoga teaches you to love yourself deeply, and by loving and accepting all of yourself you will deepen your love for those around you. Yoga Teacher Trainees often say that their lives have been divided into two, one before YTTC and one after YTTC. This training offers you the opportunity to take the time to enrich yourself and to grow as an individual- both within yourself and with how you react to those around you- leading you to deepen relationships and uplift your life.

11.   And lastly, my favourite reason: The Calling.

Perhaps there is something that you can’t quite put your finger on, a deeper knowing that you wish to attend a Yoga Teacher Training Course. You just know. Perhaps the timing is just right and things just seem to fall into place. Some call this Divine Timing or synchronicity. You just know. Sometimes things cannot be explained. The Buddha said: When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. This concept is key to keep in mind when talking about individual change.  

If you feel deep in your heart that joining a YTTC is the right move for you, then go for it!

Be prepared for the time of your life!